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Let's Work in Japan - Working in the Japanese Gaming Industry (Part 2)

Updated: Aug 29

In the previous part, we introduced various job roles in the Japanese gaming industry.

This time, we will discuss the skills and abilities needed to work in the Japanese gaming industry and how to prepare for employment!

Skills and Abilities Required in the Japanese Gaming Industry

Knowledge of Programming

Not only programmers, but planners and game masters are also required to have programming knowledge. Even if you don't use it in your desired job role, having programming knowledge can be a strong point during job applications and can make your work easier once you are employed. You should consider attending a vocational school (→ see the last section) or learning independently through educational services to acquire programming skills.

Communication Skills

Regardless of the job role, making a game requires interacting with various people inside and outside the company. Moreover, creating a game often involves working with the same team members for a long period. Therefore, good communication skills are essential to maintain good relationships and to ensure smooth progress in your work.

Meeting for game development
Effective communication among staff is essential for creating better games.

Perseverance and Enthusiasm

Creating a game involves numerous detailed checks and revisions until it is completed. Sometimes, you may even need to start over from the planning stage. You need to have not just a love for games but also the enthusiasm and perseverance to make better games.

Preparing for Employment in the Japanese Gaming Industry

The first step to aiming for the gaming industry is to decide what kind of job you want to do. Once you have a direction, start preparing for it.

For example, if you want to be a programmer, study programming; if you want to be a designer, study design. Choose a learning method that suits you, whether it's a university, vocational school, or online learning.

Also, it's important to actually create something. By experiencing the joys and challenges of game creation, you can better assess your suitability for the job. You can also talk about these experiences in job interviews.

A person making a game
Whether you are suited for game development...

Universities and Vocational Schools for Learning Game Development

総合学園ヒューマンアカデミー - Human Academy:

Known for its high-level classes available in major cities like Sapporo, Yokohama, Osaka, and Fukuoka, and for its high employment rate. The "National Works Exhibition" allows students from Human Academy nationwide to showcase their works to game companies, increasing their chances of employment.

The curriculum is developed under the supervision of "Square Enix," known for famous games like "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy."


Human Academy Game College:

Programmer Course / Planner Course / CG Designer Course / Animator Course

Programming Languages: C / C++

Development Environment: DirectX / Unity


One of the representative vocational schools for games, recommended for those who want to learn specialized knowledge. The four-year game department offers three courses: Design, Planning, and Production, with further specializations like Smartphone Game Programmer, Scenario Writer, and 3D Character Designer.

The curriculum content and employment rate are excellent, but the tuition is quite high.

HAL Four-Year Game Department:

Programming Languages: C / C++

Development Environment: DirectX / OpenGL / Visual Studio / Unreal Engine / Unity / Nintendo Switch


東京国際工科専門職大学 - Tokyo International Professional University of Technology:

Japan's first "information technology" professional university approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

It provides "practical education environment directly connected to professions" to train advanced professional human resources. Led by President Makoto Murakami, former Vice President of Google US Headquarters, and Honorary President Yoshiyuki Yoshikawa, former President of the University of Tokyo, the faculty and lecturers provide the latest industry and global knowledge and skills.

AI, IoT, Robotics / Games, CG - 2 Departments, 5 Courses


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