While the JLPT is well-known for assessing Japanese language skills, are you familiar with the JFT-Basic?
Introduced in 2019 by the Japan Foundation (JF), the JFT-Basic is designed to assess the Japanese language proficiency of foreigners coming to work in Japan.
Passing this test qualifies you to apply for the Specified Skilled Worker (i) visa.
Moreover, there are many benefits to taking the JFT-Basic, even for those who aren't applying for this visa. Today, let's take a closer look at the JFT-Basic!
Countries eligible for the JFT-Basic as of April 2024
China, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Cambodia, Philippines, India, Thailand, Bhutan, Uzbekistan
For test dates in each country, please visit:
Advantages of the JFT-Basic
Computer-based test:
The JFT-Basic is conducted on computers at test centers worldwide. This ensures that all candidates are tested under the same conditions, which is a significant advantage.
Open to everyone:
The JFT-Basic is available to all non-native speakers of Japanese, primarily targeting people from Asian countries, allowing many to take on the challenge.
Quick results:
You can find out the results of the test within five days after taking it, which is great for those eager to know their proficiency level quickly.
Eligible for the Specified Skilled Worker visa application:
You can use your JFT-Basic results to apply for the Specified Skilled Worker visa. Passing the test is considered equivalent to the JLPT N4 and CEFR A2 levels.
Online preparation materials available:
The Japan Foundation's website provides online study materials and sample questions for test preparation. While there are no past papers, these resources are sufficient for thorough preparation.
The textbook "Irodori," useful for studying for the JFT-Basic, can be downloaded for free here:
Frequent test opportunities:
Unlike the JLPT, which is held once or twice a year, the JFT-Basic is available multiple times a year, allowing you to schedule the test at your convenience.
The JFT-Basic is an excellent test for assessing the Japanese language skills needed for living and working in Japan. It's worth considering taking it before attempting the JLPT!
JFT-Basic - you can take the challenge anytime!
Examination fees vary by country. You can check them here:
J-CALP also offers Japanese lessons for living in Japan and preparing for tests.
Professional Japanese teachers provide meticulous online lessons.
If you're interested, please contact us via the link below!